Provid the children of the future a harmonious coexistence with nature.

double heart olive ringK18 YELLOW GOLD / DIAMOND

double heart olive bangleK18 YELLOW GOLD / DIAMOND

single heart olive necklaceK18 YELLOW GOLD / DIAMOND

single heart olive ringK18 YELLOW GOLD / DIAMOND
The jewelry designer, Mr. Noguchi, was inspired to create the Kiriha brand by the birth of his own child. There was a time when he only thought about himself, and his mind was focused on his work. In the past, he had never been interested in children or their mothers, even as they passed right in front of him. But he was very surprised at himself when he saw how drastically the world was changed by the birth of his own child. After his son was born, he started to watch mothers who were taking care of their children, and to listen to the voices that reached his ears of children playing at their kindergartens and schools. Gradually he began to appreciate these aspects of life. Now, he had a really important goal, which was to do something to contribute to the happiness of children. While he spent most of his days working, he thought, “Is there anything I can do for children, at the same time?” Then he realized that there was only one thing he could do really well, and that was to create lovely jewelry. He began to design the Kiriha brand products for the children of the future. From the very beginning of Kiriha, he has donated part of the sales to childcare facilities. While watching his partner taking care of his son, he realized what hard work and effort mothers must invest in their job. He saw the stress of child rearing and the patience required, in so many ways, every day. This made him want to make jewelry for these loving mamas, as well. “Day after day, I make jewelry so lots of moms can enjoy a gleam of fashion and forget their everyday annoyances.” I hope that the message of my brand will be: "Our happiness with our lives today leads to happiness in the future, as well."